Sunday, March 31, 2019



The word yoga has a wide range of applications in the Sanskrit language, from "union," to "team," to "sum," etc. Early on, it came to be applied also to spiritual endeavor, specifically the control of the mind and senses. This usage is first found in the second millennium BCE. By the third or fourth century BCE, the word yoga was widely used to denote the Hindu tradition of spiritual discipline, comprising different approaches to Self-realization, or enlightenment. (Shambhala Encyclopedia of Yoga by Georg Feuerstein). 

Now, in 2019, yoga in North America is widely understood as referring to "Hatha Yoga", loosely described as the vast body of doctrines and practices geared toward self-realization by means of perfecting the body. Its interpretation has become even more narrowly translated though to mean "postures and breathing". It is important to note that Hatha Yoga is only one of dozens of yoga practices some of which include Bhakti-Yoga, Jnana-Yoga, Karma-Yoga.

 This point is not meant to negate our enthusiasm and interest in the very practical benefits of yoga (increasing concentration, improving flexibility, improving breathing etc.). To the contrary, it is to highlight for those interested or ready, that yoga (as does similar disciplines) has the capacity to take us much more deeply into ourselves and I believe to a place of wisdom where the keys to peace and tolerance in the world reside.

We search far and wide for knowledge outside of ourselves and in this information age it is quite apparent that this search is endless. We yearn to understand our world as it is a fascinating place. I offer that with patience and discipline we can find that our internal landscape is as full of intrigue and excitement as our external one.

It is my hope that this Centre will provide a forum for those willing to look more deeply within; that it becomes a place of study, a place of refuge and a place to take fruitful and constructive steps towards greater understanding, tolerance and peace - both within and without.

Friday, March 29, 2019

lose weight without exercise

When your fat is used up metabolically, it breaks down into glycerol and free fatty acids, which in turn break down into pairings of two carbon compounds called “ketone bodies,” leaving a newer fatty acid, shorter in chain length by the two carbon fragment that entered the metabolic pool to be used as fuel. Apparently this is the only metabolic pathway for fat breakdown (lipolysis).

Therefore, there is no lipolysis without ketosis, no ketosis without lipolysis. The two terms are biologically linked, and therefore, it is appropriate that they be linguistically linked.

How does the process actually work? Are there any drawbacks? There are plenty of laypeople and even physicians who think there must be. Burning one’s fat off sounds like a faddish trick. These folks give a skeptical shrug and say, “I’m sure people lose some weight on your diet, Dr. Atkins, but don’t they gain it right back again?”

The interesting thing is, not many do. The Atkins weight maintenance diet, though more indulgent, is quite similar to the Atkins weight loss diet, and weight regain is not very common.

As for the weight loss portion, that is simple and overwhelmingly effective. I don’t see any reason why I should understate the facts. Ketosis is one of life’s charmed gifts. It’s as delightful as sex and sunshine, and it has fewer drawbacks than either of them. Many low carbohydrate diets have been proposed over the years. They work with some degree of effectiveness for some people. However, many of them do not bring carbohydrates down to a level generally less than forty grams a day that will permit BDK.

Keto diet

Why Does Ketosis Work?

Ketosis is the reversal of the biologic pathways that are involved in obesity. You’ll remember that insulin was there to convert all your excess carbohydrate into your body stores of fat. As you gained more weight, your pancreas released more insulin to carry out this process.

Most obese people become so adept at releasing insulin that their blood is never really free of it, and, even at night, when weight loss most naturally occurs, they’re still not

The Secret of a Ketogenic Diet

able to use up their fat stores. In a normally functioning body, fatty acids and ketones are readily liberated from adipose tissue and converted into fuel during those hours. But the overweight subject is overweight because the high insulin levels prevent this from happening to him or her or to you.
Now, with very little carbohydrate in your diet, your insulin levels will become normal perhaps for the first time in years or decades.

Back in 1971, Drs. Neil Grey and David Kipnis convincingly demonstrated that insulin levels drop as carbohydrate intake is lowered. When carbohydrate drops to ketogenic levels, an abnormality in insulin can no longer be detected. Numerous studies over the past two decades have reconfirmed the insulin levels drop on ketogenic diets.2

In ketosis, you bum the fat placed in storage by insulin when the obesity cycle began, and this fat powers your brain and your other vital  organs.

The reason that BDK can take place so smoothly, if you know the “secret” to unlock its latent power, is that your body elaborates specific substances to sustain and facilitate the process. Back in 1960, three English researchers, Dr. T. M. Chalmers, Professor Alan Kekwick, and Dr. G. L. S. Pawan, whom I’ll be telling you about in the next chapter, isolated the most significant of these, a Fat Mobilizing Substance (FMS), from the urine of animals and humans who went on ketogenic diets containing virtually no carbohydrates.3 When they injected that urinary fraction into nondieting animals and humans, the recipients lost weight without dieting. Subsequently, other researchers discovered other substances that have similar effects, and a class of compounds called lipid mobilizers was identified.

Presumably what happens is that in the absence of carbo hydrates to fuel the body, a signal is sent out to release a symphony of lipid mobilizers. The burning of stored fat in the absence of dietary carbohydrate is a natural mechanism of our bodies it’s what sustains hibernating animals and our bodies provide natural messenger substances to ensure that the process of fat mobilization, heralded by ketosis, takes place smoothly and is self sustaining. For you, this is a sort of biologic utopia. Once you reach a state where fat mobilization is supported by blood borne enabling substances, the process of losing weight becomes as painless and hun ger free as “eating naturally” was in the days when you were gaining weight.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Weight Loss Diet

We are geared to a fastmoving world, and programmed to need and expect fast results. It’s unrealistic to expect the average person to keep plugging along on a diet for months and months if heartening results are not soon obtained. On the Scarsdale Medical Diet ,dieters may lose an average of a pound a day; many report losses of 20 or more pounds in two weeks.

Another effective, builtin support for you is that the diet is limited to fourteen days at a time. You are not discouraged by the prospect of staying on a restricted programme for what seems forever. You are encouraged by the fact that in five, or nine, or fourteen days at most, depending on how much weight you want to lose, you’ll be able to enjoy switching to a greater variety of foods on the KeepTrim Programme.

You can then have some of the additional ‘treats,’ even a cocktail, if you are so inclined. Anticipated rewards don’t seem so far away when the maximum wait is fourteen days.


It is foolish to think that people will change their dietary habits over the long haul if you can’t offer them reasonable options. Two weeks of nothing but bananas or cottage cheese or the like is not only boring, it is hardly the way to develop sensible, proper eating habits which will keep you at your desired weight.

Devising options that are tasty, colourful (the way food looks is important), and satisfying, was a large part of the Diet’s challenge for me. I think as you discover the many interesting culinary options in this you will agree that this goal has been well met.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Healthy diet

I have chosen to list nutritional needs for you in the clearest, most basic terms. Long and valuable s about nutrition have already been written, and new ones are in process as nutritional detectives uncover more of the chemical mysteries of our bodies. For the purposes of this, it is enough for you to be familiar with what nutrients are essential to you, what services they perform for you, and what foods in the Scarsdale Medical Diet contain these necessary elements:) 


Proteins provide the amino acids necessary to produce enzymes, antibodies, and cells for growth, maintenance and repair of tissues. Enzymes are needed to regulate body processes. Antibodies fight infection and disease:) 

Proteins are found in the Scarsdale Medical Diet in fish, meat, poultry, protein bread, cheese.


Carbohydrates are primarily an energy source. The body will burn carbohydrates in preference to proteins and thus ‘spare’ or conserve proteins so they can fulfil their primary function of tissue replacement. Complex carbohydrates, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, also provide bulk for proper elimination. (Complex carbohydrates are not the same as the simple carbohydrates in sugar and starches:) 

Carbohydrates are found in the Scarsdale Medical Diet in the protein bread, fruits, and vegetables allowed you.


Fats provide a concentrated source of energy. They furnish protection for various vital organs, and body insulation. Fat is especially helpful in making food palatable, but consumption of fats in excess is sure to result in weight problems:) 

Fats are found in the Scarsdale Medical Diet in meat, eggs, cheese, poultry, and nuts.

What Nutrients Does the Body Need to be Well Nourished? 


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