We are geared to a fastmoving world, and programmed to need and expect fast results. It’s unrealistic to expect the average person to keep plugging along on a diet for months and months if heartening results are not soon obtained. On the Scarsdale Medical Diet ,dieters may lose an average of a pound a day; many report losses of 20 or more pounds in two weeks.
Another effective, builtin support for you is that the diet is limited to fourteen days at a time. You are not discouraged by the prospect of staying on a restricted programme for what seems forever. You are encouraged by the fact that in five, or nine, or fourteen days at most, depending on how much weight you want to lose, you’ll be able to enjoy switching to a greater variety of foods on the KeepTrim Programme.
You can then have some of the additional ‘treats,’ even a cocktail, if you are so inclined. Anticipated rewards don’t seem so far away when the maximum wait is fourteen days.
It is foolish to think that people will change their dietary habits over the long haul if you can’t offer them reasonable options. Two weeks of nothing but bananas or cottage cheese or the like is not only boring, it is hardly the way to develop sensible, proper eating habits which will keep you at your desired weight.
Devising options that are tasty, colourful (the way food looks is important), and satisfying, was a large part of the Diet’s challenge for me. I think as you discover the many interesting culinary options in this you will agree that this goal has been well met.
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