Sunday, June 23, 2019

Knowing the Aspects for Weight Loss

Weight loss
Weight loss 
We often think that when it comes to losing weight the most important thing is just exercising. But what we actually miss out aside from exercising is also making sure that our diet and lifestyle coincides with weight loss. There is no doubt that when it comes to weight loss, exercise and regular physical activity is very important but we often forget about other aspects in our life that should also be closely watched. In order to get the full benefits and maximum results, it is important that these major aspects in weight loss should be followed.

No matter what we call it, may it be exercise, workout or physical activity, it is important that we do this regularly and the right way if we really want to weight loss. There are plenty of exercises out there that can help you achieve weight loss but the trick to really achieve it is by including aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Aerobic and anaerobic exercises both help improve the cardiovascular system and a resistance training workout too. They are really effective in burning fats most especially if done regularly. These exercises below are just a few samples of the many other exercises you can follow for weight loss.

Recommended Exercises for Weight Loss

The Abs Diet Total Body Training:

One of the keys to weight loss is by going for exercises that has high intensity. The Abs Diet Total Body Training has intensity as well as a full body workout which is really good for not just weight loss but also for the heart. This is an exercise that you will have to do at the gym not unless you have all the equipment needed to perform it. To do this, you will:

  • Start off with 15 repetitions of standing crunches facing away from the pulley stack and make sure to hold a rope attachment right behind your head while doing crunches

  • Do 12 pulse up lying on your back with your feet up in the air raising your hips off the ground then have with you two light dumbbells for saxon side bends, you then do the next step standing up by holding the dumbbells above your head lean on one side and the other for as far you can reach and perform on each side for 10 times

  • Do the side bridge position by lying on your with your left forearm for support and make sure your body is lined straight from head to toe and stay on this position for 20 to 30 seconds per side

  • To end the abs full body workout, stay on the back extension or hyper extension machine doing 15 repetitions

One Circuit

This one circuit exercise is also part of the abs diet total body training but for this part, no machines are needed. You may rest 30 seconds in between and do it for 10 to 12 repetitions. Perform the following exercises in the order of squats followed by bench presses then lat pull-downs, military presses, upright rows, triceps push-downs, leg extensions, bicep curls then leg curls. It would be best to do all these three times a week.

How to lose weight, weight loss tips
How to weight loss

The Aspects of Weight Loss:


One of the biggest challenges when it comes to weight loss is controlling your diet. The problem with weight loss diets is that they come in so many kinds making it confusing to choose the one that you think is right for you. When choosing the weight loss diet for you, the first step would be to consult your nutritionist to make sure that your dietary requirements are met and so as to not compromise your health. Losing weight the healthy way should be the road to a healthy life and no other way. Having said this, when losing weight, it is important that we do not deprive ourselves of food, instead, we should learn more about the right kinds to pick, the timing, amount and making sure that there is variety so that all food groups are included.

  • Carbohydrates
There are many diets out there that restricts or has really low carbs in their meal plans believing that it is the right way to weight loss. In a way it can help you lose weight because what you lose here is only water weight but this is not permanent because once you start eating with your regular diet and no longer on a low carb meal plan, chances are you will regain weight. An explanation for this is because when your body is deprived of carbs, you will end up eating fats apart from this, you will also experience dizziness, weakness and dehydration when you cannot meet your dietary carb requirement.

  • Protein
Proteins are very important because they play a big role in ensuring our body functions well. If carbs are often restricted, proteins experience something different because there are weight loss diets that recommend consuming very high amounts of protein and restricting the other nutrients. According to a study, it said that the reason why high protein diets are often recommended for weight loss is because of the restriction of the intake of carbs. When on this kind of diet for a certain period of time, time will come when a person becomes in danger of being unable to get the vitamins and minerals needed by the body causing problems in several organs of the body beginning from the heart to the bones and the liver.

  • Fats
People often think that the word fat is the antagonist for people wanting to weight loss but the truth is, it is also needed in our diet because it also has functions in the body just like carbs and proteins.


Losing weight, lose weight
losing weight 
Even if you eat right and exercise regularly, if your lifestyle is not on the same track then expect too much. A healthy lifestyle is a big must when it comes to achieving healthy weight. Despite the fact that we differ in our genes, hereditary make-up and other aspects, having a healthy lifestyle is crucial to lead a healthy life. For this aspect, more discipline and making right choices is necessary.

Regular Exercise

It was mentioned earlier about the recommended exercises for weight loss but simply engaging into physical activities such as doing house hold chores can already make a big difference. It is engaging in physical activity where we can burn calories which is the reason why we gain weight. Exercise brings so much benefits to our health such as lower levels of stress, wards off depression thus a better mood, reduced high blood pressure and prevents the development of other health problems. As simple as gardening, walking and jogging can does the trick but if you are looking for a really serious workout then go to the gym and be guided with a professional trainer to help you towards weight loss.

Healthy and Balanced Diet

As mentioned earlier, the right diet to weight loss is one that is healthy and balanced. Always remember that depriving yourself of food will only do harm than good and you will only end up overeating. It would be best that you consult a registered nutritionist to help you out in planning your meals without compromising your health.

Overcoming Stress

Stress is something that we cannot avoid. It may not directly lead to weight gain but it can affect our health. Because we cannot avoid stress, the best ways to deal with it is by getting a good massage once in a while or learn about stress-management techniques. Other great ways to deal with stress is doing meditations, pilates or yoga.

Avoiding Vices

Drinking excessive amounts of alcoholic drinks or smoking can affect our health. Although they do not directly add up to gaining weight, because they affect our health, avoiding them and eventually quitting them are really helpful in achieving a healthy lifestyle and improving the quality of life. When vices are given up, there is that greater chance of avoiding health problems in the future.

Weight loss diet
Weight loss diet

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