Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Top Foods Rich with Antioxidants


We have heard that foods that are healthy are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants but not many of us are aware of what antioxidants are how they can be really good for our health. Antioxidants are phytochemicals that actually keep our cells healthy by protecting them from damage that is caused by free radicals. Free radicals are linked to the cause of cancer cells. This is why health experts recommend eating foods that are high in antioxidants to avoid the prevalence of cancer.

Foods that are rich in antioxidants are good for the health, heart problems such as Alzheimer’s disease, heart problems and cancer can be greatly prevented. Vitamins E and C, lycopene, carotene and lutein are just a few of the examples of commonly known antioxidants. Based on the study done by the University of Oslo, headed by Monica Carlsen, they found that antioxidants are richer in plant-based foods compared to meat.

What are Antioxidants?

Antioxidant is a molecule that has the capability of preventing the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is a kind of chemical reaction where in the transfer of hydrogen or an electron from a substance to an oxidizing agent occurs. It is with oxidation where free radicals are produced and these radicals are what cause the beginning of chain reactions. When there is chain reaction, the cell is either damaged or dies. But with the help of antioxidants, chain reactions or removal of free radicals, oxidation reactions are being inhibited.

Effect of Antioxidants at our Health

What are antioxidants
What are antioxidants 

  • Treatment of Diseases:

Our brain is very prone to having oxidative injury. The reason for this is because of high metabolic rate and high levels of polyunsaturated lipids which is the target of lipid peroxidation. Because of this, antioxidants are used as medications to cure different kinds of brain injury. Substances such as superoxide dismutase mimetics, propofol and sodium thiopental are used in treating traumatic brain injury and reperfusion injury. For stroke, NXY-059 (an experimental drug) and ebselen are used. The aforementioned compounds are used to prevent the occurrence of oxidative stress in neurons and prevent neurological damage. Antioxidants are currently being studied to be a possible treatment to neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease and even hearing loss caused by noise.

  • Prevention of Disease:

People who are frequent eaters of fruits and vegetables happen to have lower risk of developing heart disease and even neurological disorders. According to studies, there are certain kinds of fruits and vegetables that help in the prevention of certain types of cancer. Because these foods are excellent sources of antioxidants, they are also what protect us from being sick. But studies done were not able to prove this but said that the reason why fruits and vegetables make us stay strong and healthy is possibly because of other substances found in it such as flavonoids.

Top Foods Rich with Antioxidants

  • Fruits and Vegetables

According to health experts, one way that you can tell if a certain kind of food is rich with antioxidants is by its color. This is why, fruits and vegetables that are really colorful—those with the colors yellow, orange or deep red happen to have in them lutein, lycopene and beta-carotene. These are different kinds of antioxidants that promote healthy cells. Thus, we should always include our diet a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables such as bell peppers, squash, broccoli, tomatoes and dark green leafy vegetables. You can also pair your meals with fruit juices as they also are rich in antioxidants. In fact, a study done by Dawn J. O’Bryne showed that there are flavonoids found in Concord grape juice and reduction of oxidative stress or cell damage brought about by free radicals.

Antioxidants benefits
Antioxidants benefits 

  • Espresso

With the many health benefits that we get from drinking coffee, it also happens to be a good source of antioxidants but amongst all types of coffee espresso happens to be the best one when it comes to being an excellent source of antioxidants at the amount of 14.2mmol/100g.

  • Amla (a kind of Indian Gooseberry)

One of the best sources of antioxidants are berries most especially the Amla which is a kind of Indian gooseberry. According to health experts, dried amla contains around 261.5 mmol/100g.

  • Cloves

If you are in search of a spice that is rich in antioxidants, then better go for cloves. Dried cloves actually contain around 277.3 mmol/100g. Other types of herbs and spices that are also good sources of antioxidants are sage, oregano, thyme, cinnamon, rosemary and saffron to name a few.

  • Dark Chocolate

Chocolate and cocoa that is not processed have significantly high levels of antioxidants and have been directly associated to preventing diseases and improving health. Cocoa that is unprocessed has 10% more levels of antioxidants. In dark chocolate, the antioxidant named procyanidin has a big role in helping lower the risk of having blood clots and stress on the heart and it even relaxes the blood vessels. A sample testing was done and it showed that dark chocolate has over 14.98 mmol/100g whereas of all chocolates, white chocolates happen to have the lowest level of antioxidants which is at 0.23 mmol/100g.

  • Soy

Soy mainly has three kinds of antioxidants which are glycitein, daidzein and genistein. These antioxidants actually have chemical structures that are similar to estrogen and helps prevent breast, colon and prostate cancer even osteoporosis. Soy also helps make sure that the cholesterol in our body are within healthy levels. Make soy a regular part of your diet by making use of soy flour when baking goods and batters and drink soy milk or eat tofu regularly.

  • Apples

The line “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is not just a clichĂ© but is actually true. According to the USDA, the three different kinds of apples which are Red Delicious, Gala and Granny Smith are included in the list of the top 20 antioxidant foods. In order to reap the maximum benefits of these foods in fighting off free radicals, it would be best to not peel your apples and eat the skin because the apple skin contain high levels of phenols which are excellent sources of antioxidants.

  • Berries

As mentioned earlier, berries are good sources of antioxidants. The USDA has included wild blueberries as a good source of antioxidants compared to the cultivated blueberries. Health experts say that berries have good effects to the brain as it ages because it is rich in compounds called polyphenols that do not have antioxidant only but also has anti-inflammatory effects as well.

  • Walnuts

Walnuts amongst all types of seeds and nuts have 21.9 millimoles of antioxidants per 100 grams. Also part of the list of sunflower seeds, chestnuts and pecans which are also geared with antioxidants.

  • Beans

Beans are excellent sources of antioxidants and can help in protecting your body from the harmful effects that free radicals bring. Also part of the USDA’s top 20 antioxidant foods are beans especially the small red beans. The small red beans are at the top of all the kinds of beans because it has the highest amount of antioxidant levels. Other types of antioxidant rich beans are pinto beans, red kidney beans and pinto beans.

Antioxidants foods
Antioxidants foods 

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