Monday, June 3, 2019

What We Need to Know About Low Carb Diet?

Low carb diet
Low carb diet 

Low Carb Diet:

For sure you have already heard of a low carb diet but not all of us fully understand what this diet is and who should be getting into this type of diet. Basically, low carb diet are diet plans or programs that restrict an individual from consuming carbohydrates for the purpose of weight management and at times, as a solution for people who are obese. 

Foods that contain carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, bread, etc. are being replaced with foods that are rich in protein or fats such as meat, dairy products, etc. or could be eaten but in limited amounts. In this case, vegetables and fruits are still allowed.

A lot of people have been asking if low carb diet really work. People who actually get into a low carb diet do lose weight in a short span of time but this is in a short-term basis only. But most of the weight loss is not because fat is eradicated from the body but because of the loss of water and muscle tissue. So this clearly means that low carb diet are recommended for only short-term settings because losing water and muscle tissue can be harmful to our body. You will notice that low-carb diets are done mostly by celebrities because it is meant to be done for just a short-time setting. Instances where celebrities do this could be because they need to cut down weight for their roles of their up-coming film but do not use it as maintenance or for health reasons.

Your question by this time would probably be if low carb diet are safe? Actually, it is safe if it is done the right way and not used as a maintenance diet. Because of this diet, you will also be deprived of the important vitamins and nutrients that our body will need and it will cause imbalance in your nutrition. According to health experts, low carb diets have insidious effect when it is practiced by an individual for a period of time. Because you only get to eat really low amounts of fruits and vegetables, the nutrient requirements that your body needs will definitely be lacking.

Low carb foods
Low Carb foods 
Now that you understand how low carb diet works, you can still get into this diet but make sure to keep in mind the health precautions that go with using it. People who are into low-carb diets are very conscious with what kinds of food they should and should not eat.

For those of you who are really interested in getting into a low-carb diet, here are the types of food you may want to take note of.

Low Carb Diet – Protein-rich Foods:

We are aware that carbs are the chief source of energy for our body but because carbs are lessened when in this type of diet, proteins come next in line. Foods that are rich in protein are animal foods such as low-fat pork cutlets, beef, skinless chicken and turkey, fish, beans and other meat substitute.

Low Carb Diet – Fruits and Vegetable:

Low calorie diet
Low calorie diet 
In a low carb diet, vegetables play a large role as they need to fill at least half of the plate during in meals. Even salad vegetables that contain dressing and skinless chicken or turkey meat are great for low-carb diets. But not all veggies are recommended such as beets, potatoes, corn, peas and carrots because they are starchy ones. As for the fruits, they should be eaten at small amounts because they tend to be sugary so go for those that are low to medium in sugar such as lemons, blueberries, limes, strawberries and cantaloupe. Sugary fruits are those that are dry and those tropical fruits such as oranges and bananas.

Low Carb Diet – Grain and Nuts:

Dried nuts like almonds and cashews can be eaten when on a low carb diet. For those who are in a moderate low carb diet, they can consume high-fiber carbohydrates such as whole grain rice, barley, breads and pastas.

Low Carb Diet – Fats:

Fats are important too! Fats like omega-3 and monounsaturated fat are also beneficial to the health. You can get omega-3 by eating fish such as salmon and mackerel and monounsaturated fat can be found in nuts, avocado and olive oil.

Diet plan
Diet plan 
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