Tuesday, April 16, 2019

What Does a Healthy Weight Loss Diet Consist Of? Part 3

Weight loss, weight loss diet

Law: 3) Eat smaller meals more often:

This may not seem much differnt from our first law but there is a subtle difference which is why I cover it here.
If you are like me, your grandma told you to finish your food to be a member in good standing of the “Clean Plate Club!” What our dear grandmother did was set the stage for over eating and over weight. It is “sin” to leave food on the plate, after all! To top it off she made that food so yummy we not only cleaned our plate, we went back for more!

What if she had just put a bit of everything on the plate and we went on to eat slowly until we were satisfied. Then a few hours later – not half a day later – we could come back for more. This slow steady flow of nutrients into our bodies would tell that brain of ours, “You are getting enough, there is no starvation. No need to store (in the form of fat)”.

You see, our body is NOT like a gas tank. When we fill out car’s tank with gas, we know that this fuel will steadily be metered into the carburetor and burned as needed. A partial fill takes you only part way then you have to fill again.
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Our body, on the other hand, receives the food into the stomach. Whether it is a snack or a full blown meal, it is processed, converted to usable nutrients. But whatever is not used is either discarded (this happens to the indigestible fiber as well as food that was not chewed thoroughly) or stored (you guessed it, fat). Then we want to fill up our tank again in 3 or 4 hours no matter how full we filled the tank before. More food to be processed or stored (as fat). And so it goes.

Because we have ready access to tasty food and lots of it, we (that’s you and me), need to act as the carburetor to our body and slowly, steadily “meter” it or we will get “flooded” and won’t start!

There are lots of eating plans out there. The tips I just outlined will give you a checklist to go by to find a plan that suits you and will help you safely and healthfully lose weight.
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If you cannot read part 1&2 then click here: 

What Does a Healthy Weight Loss Diet Consist Of? Part 1

What Does a Healthy Weight Loss Diet Consist Of? Part 2
Thanks for visiting!  

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