Tuesday, April 16, 2019

What Does A Healthy Weight Loss Diet Consist of? Part 2

Weight loss diet plan, meal plan for weight loss
Lose weight 
Now to continue on the discussion of what a healthy weight loss diet consists of: 
If you cannot read part 1 then click here: What Does A Healthy Weight Loss Diet Consist of? Part 1

Law: 2) –

Eat as closely to natural as is practical.  Now, remember, a law is something that is fundamentally true.  It is established science that our bodies function best eating the foods that are closest to the way the Creator made them.  Even from an evolutionary standpoint, our bodies still function best on nature’s best for all of recent history.  No, we have not developed a way to subsist on biscotti and Caramel Macchiatos and live, long strong lives.  Sure we can go for a while but sooner of later our body says, “where’s the beef? – veggies, grains, fruit, etc…

So, where does that leave us?  The bare facts:

Raw or lightly steamed veggies. Fresh fruit. Get used to shopping your local produce department. Better yet head to the organic produce section. Learn to do without anything canned or industrially processed (sorry, Marie Callender pot pies are a thing of the past if you want to get well and lose weight). 
Diet plan for weight loss, weight loss tips
fast loss diet 
Minimally processed/cooked meats and animal products. Naturally raised beef, chicken, fish, etc. and their by-products, milk and eggs. Learn to walk past the bologna and lunch meats, yes, and that lovely roasted rotisserie chicken, too.

Raw dairy products and whole eggs. Bring on the butter and whole RAW milk! Yes, you can lose weight while eating butter and whole eggs. Just make adjustments to overall caloric intake. You are missing out on some of the most “real food” when you pass up butter and eggs. It may be difficult to swallow (pardon the pun) but current medical advice is not necessarily sensible nor is it truly backed up by scientific research. More often than not, current medical convention is motivated by other things besides helping you to get and stay well (hint: the almighty dollar).

History shows otherwise. Man has eaten whole eggs and butter for millennium without a problem. So why do we have heart disease and other illness associated with modern man? Look at how our modern diet has changed to get a clue. The only logical conclusion is: processed man-made food forms.

Cereal grains like oats, barley, wheat, rice. Oatmeal with raisins. Brown rice with butter and veggies. Whole grain bread from freshly ground grain. This makes sense. Brownies, candy bars, Captain Crunch cereal, frankly, are misuses for grain and grasses (most sugar comes from a grass, by the way – sugar cane).
Diet plan to lose weight fast, fast weight loss
healthy diet
When a race horse is given a diet, the trainer goes out of his or her way to make sure it gets just what will feed the animal as healthfully as is practical. Nothing pre-bagged or cooked for it, either. Fried? Sugar coated? High pressure processed? No, if the trainer has any sense will he or she give this animal only the BEST and closest to how the animal’s fodder is found in nature.

What makes us think we can get by on anything less? Do we think somehow we can endure highly processed foods – that we somehow have “evolved” to a higher ability to digest man-made fats, chemical sweeteners and food forms? I’m here to tell you, no. Our bodies treat processed foods, fats, and chemical additives like any other toxin we ingest – our livers go into hyper-drive to deal with everything we throw at it. Often it is neutralized and carried away in the blood stream, through the kidneys or bowels and out.

But more often than not, these undesirables get immobilized and stowed in the nearest place it can find. How about, hmmmm, let’s just stick it in this fat cell over here – that’s a nice out of the way place to stick it. Or worse, stick it in the joints (gout? arthritis pain?)

No, like the race horse, we must eat as close to nature as is practical if we intend to have a healthy, trouble free life.
Lose weight, weight loss meal plan
best weight loss diet 
Next time…eating smaller meals.

 Thanks for visiting!

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